2021年3月1日 星期一

[轉貼]辦別執行檔為 64 位元或 32 位元

見 有程式能辦別執行檔為 64 位元或 32 位元的呢? - Mobile01

其實用 7-ZIP 就可以了,但 danfong 所提供配合批次檔的做法也有參考價值,以下覆製下來以免往後失連

@for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%i in ('7z l "%~f1"^|find/i "cpu"') do @echo PE類型為:%%i 檔案:"%~f1"

2 則留言:

  1. Queen Casino Review for November 2021
    The Queen Casino クイーンカジノ review shows the player's gaming experience and bonuses. Check out everything you bet365 need to know about the Queen Casino 카지노 bonus and play today! Rating: 4.1 · ‎Review by konzoasino

    1. Advertise in this backcountry. That must be rough.
